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Tooth Implants

A tooth implant is a natural solution for a lost tooth. A tooth implant does not only help replace one tooth, but a whole group of teeth.

If you decide for a tooth implant, contact our dental surgery in Prague!


What is a tooth implant

An implant is an artificial tooth substitute. This substitute is inserted directly into the jaw, just like a tooth. It has a titanium roller or screw that is inserted in place of the missing tooth. The tooth implant is then left to heal for 2 or 3 months, during which the implant firmly binds with the bone. In some cases, it is necessary to adjust the volume of the bone (augmentation) before applying the implant.

After some time, an abutment is screwed to the implant and a crown or a bridge is inserted.

The worry that the body will refuse the tooth implant is needless: there is 95 – 98% success rate in most patients.

The lifespan of the tooth implant is influenced by many factors, the most important being proper hygiene, care for tooth implants, quality and volume of the bone substance in the jaw, health condition, etc. Generally, the lifespan of the tooth implant is not specified.


Who is the tooth implant for

The tooth implant is for everyone who wishes to have a modern, “friendly” and functional tooth substitute. Patients with a heavy form of diabetes, serious blood coagulation disorder and heavy smokers are excluded.


Painlessness and consideration

It is not difficult to insert the implant. The implantation takes about 20 minutes. The whole procedure is performed by a dentist, usually with local anaesthetics, at full cooperation with the patient. The procedure is PAINLESS. In case of a longer procedure or at the patient’s request, the dentist may perform the surgery in analgesic sedation or total anaesthesia.



The aim of the orthotics is to replace a missing tooth or a group of teeth or to replace a part that has been damaged by a cavity or injury. The orthotics includes an attachment of the selected type of replacement to the adjusted healthy tooth root. Our dental surgery in Prague will prepare fixed or removable tooth replacement.

Ceramic Facet

A ceramic facet is a very thin layer of ceramics that can change the shape or colour of a tooth, or modify the whole smile. Our dentist will first gently abrade the front part of the tooth and then glue the facet to the tooth. As for the function and feel, the facet is the same as your own tooth and it cannot be distinguishable by mere observation.



A crown is a shell of the tooth created in a laboratory that functionally and aesthetically replaces a damaged or lost tooth. Our dental surgery in Prague offers a full ceramic crown or metal-ceramic crown.



If the dentist wants to replace a missing tooth in another way than by an implant, he or she can choose a fixed bridge, or a tooth replacement which is fixedly glued on abraded teeth. The bridge spans over the gap from one tooth to another. The material is the same as in the crown: ceramic or metal-ceramic.



It is also possible to make a removable resinous denture replacing a larger number of teeth, or the loss of all teeth, as a temporary or final solution.

Dental Surgery

Dental surgery includes extraction of teeth, surgical removal of parts of the roots (resection) and other surgical solutions related for instance to the orthotic treatment. The professionals at our partner dental surgery in Prague perform all surgeries either in local anaesthetic or they can use analgesic sedation at the patient’s request or for longer and more complicated procedures.


Wisdom teeth

Wisdom teeth are the last ones to grow (between the age of 18 and 30) and there often is not enough space for them in the jaw. The tooth is often out only partially and it is often in an inconvenient position, which can later lead to inflammation or damage to the other teeth. Therefore, the dentist often decides to remove them: the removal may be as simple as in any other tooth but if the position of the tooth is not good, it can be more difficult and time-demanding. The recovery period after the extraction of a wisdom tooth is usually one week.

Visit our dental surgery in Prague 1: our specialized dentists will advise you on the solution of your problem.



Defects in the position of the teeth play an important role in the overall appearance. Orthodontia is a specialized field that deals with adjustments of deficiencies in the position of teeth.

That means that orthodontia straightens the teeth and the tooth span into a shape that is both functional and aesthetic.
Orthodontia can be used when there is a missing tooth or lack of space and the teeth are too packed. Orthodontia also deals with the necessary adjustment before implantation: it prepares the space for an implant. Orthodontic defects may be adjusted by removable or fixed devices (braces).



There is a wide range of orthodontic braces. They are divided into two main groups:

• Removable braces, which the patient can take out before a meal or during a sport
• Fixed braces, which cannot be taken out

Removable braces have the advantage of less demanding tooth hygiene. On the other hand, the possibility of their use is much smaller than in fixed braces. Fixed braces are quite difficult to clean and they are also sensitive to hard meals, which are basically excluded during the treatment.

Generally we can say that both removable and fixed braces represent quite a burden and additional obligations for most of their users. This fact needs to be considered at the beginning of the orthodontic treatment as cooperation of the patient from its beginning to the end is necessary for a good result. It is important to know that straightening teeth by braces does not mean the end of using braces. Teeth can turn back to their original position so it might be necessary to wear different types of braces until the end of their growth. In adult patients, this period is arranged with the dentist. Lower teeth are often stabilized by a short thin wire (retainer) glued to the inner surface of the teeth after the brace treatment, which prevents the return of the teeth to the original position.

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